Plaques spécifiques Specific panels
»  Technical info


Plaques pour sérigraphie Silkscreen panels
Emballage malin Smart packaging
Plaques pour le bâtiment Panels for the building

+33 (0) 3 24 29 03 58
for a quick price quote

Panel thickness and density (weight)

Thickness  (mm) Weight  (gsm) Colors**
2 250 to 550 white, translucent, red, orange,
yellow, green, sky blue, france blue
3 350 to 1000
4 625 to 1200
5 1000 to 1250
6 1400 to 1800
*direction of the grooves ** possible on sample, RAL, pantone

Conductivity table

Tableau de conductivité


Measured per BS7424:1991 by 3 points along the spline length

Thickness/Weight Rigidity
2mm/350gsm 200mNm
4mm/650gsm 2200mNm
6mm/1450gsm 7500mNm